I stayed in this spot for a while and took a few photos. I have always liked this spot and I am looking almost due east.

Here is another shot, this time I will move away from the bridge!
I enjoyed that beautiful sunrise so now it was time to move on and see some birds! I then left the eastern side of the island to drive over to the west side and visit the north beach. North Beach at Fort DeSoto is always ranked as one of the best beaches in the country.
I walked onto the beach and I immediately knew that this was a special day because I saw a bird that I have never seen before and only learned of its existence, this year. This is an image of a White Morph Reddish Egret. I understand that they are a rare bird here in Florida and I was glad that I got to see one.

I also saw a dark morph Reddish Egret. I have only seen this bird once before and it was here at Fort Desoto as well. These Reddish Egrets mate and nest here at Fort Desoto and a few other places in Florida. They are so beautiful! See what you think!

It was nice to get away and come up here and photograph these beautiful birds! I can't wait to get back again!
A belated happy 50th my good friend; and a memorable one it was.